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Best Practices at an Archery Range

Our July contest sparked a lot of comments and discussions. We all have things that irritate us about archery and/or hunting. So we asked our fans to comment on what annoys them about other people while hunting or at an archery range. But to keep it positive, we flipped the script and turned into tips for best practices and how to NOT annoy others.

Side note: If you haven’t liked our Facebook Page, please do so. You can participate in our monthly contest to win a brand new shiny Bitzenburger Jig. Each month we post a different question and pick a random winner from the responses.

Not surprising, most of the responses fell into a few categories:

  • Being Considerate
  • Using Time wisely
  • Giving Helpful Advice (only when asked)
  • No showing off
  • Being calm and steady

As you read through these think about your own behavior and how you can be a good example to others.

Being Considerate

Here are some best practices in being considerate to your fellow hunters and archers.

  • Don’t put your stand too close to another stand
  • Practice patience with younger hunters and archers who are just learning.
  • At the range, leave the stake after you are done shooting so someone else can have a turn.
  • Be considerate of the archers who are shooting on either side of you. For example, don’t step off the line at full draw.
  • Makes sure no one is downrange before shooting.
  • Don’t hold up everyone else from shooting to look for a lost arrow for too long.
  • Remove all of your trash from your hunting site, the woods, and the range.
  • Don’t walk through other people’s hunting spots if they are in tree stands.

Using Time Wisely

Using your time wisely and not wasting other people’s time is a big consideration at the range and in the woods. Here are some pointers.

  • Shoot and then move away from the range quickly so others can get their turn.
  • During 3D target shooting in groups, let others shoot through if your group is taking longer. Shooting in smaller groups helps with this.

Giving Helpful Advice

Giving advice to less-experiences archers and hunters can very helpful. Just remember to not make it too technical. Throwing to much information at someone or using technical terms they aren’t familiar with is overwhelming. It can take the fun out of it and leave them frustrated.

It is important to meet them where they are at and build on the skills they have one at a time. It will be much more enjoyable for everyone.

Don’t Be a Show-Off

If you are an experiences hunter and archer it is important that you set a good example for those learning.

Follow all the rules at the range and gently inform others of them rules.

Only offer advice and guidance if you are asked. Some people want to learn on their own or aren’t ready for help.

Remain Calm and Steady

Remember to always keep in mind that archery is fun and a sport. Friendly competition is healthy but there is no need for grandstanding or harassment.

Nobody is perfect and everyone misses once in a while. Don’t let it influence the rest of your or others’ range time.

Our Favorite Responses

One word, DEDICATION! ~Steve S.

Nothing should annoy you on the range unless someone is deliberately trying to mess with your focus. Aside from a direct situation, archery is a sport where we clear our heads and enjoy what we love. Once we remember why we all started shooting, the little things tend to not be such a big deal. ~Matt S.

Archery is dedication. ~Dennis I.

Do you haven any positive and helpful advice for the archery range or the woods? Post in the comments!


  1. Tony H. on August 20, 2019 at 12:59 pm

    I think the concept of self policing at 3d ranges doesn’t work with today’s younger generation.

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